Enrolments for new students commencing in 2026 open on Monday, 10 February 2025 and close on Friday 21 March 2025.
School Tours
The school will be open during the following sessions for guided tours around the school by the Principal:
- Friday, February 14th at 9.30 am
- Monday, February 17th at 4.00 pm
- Friday, February 21st at 9.30 am
- Monday, February 24th at 4.00 pm
- Friday, February 28th at 9.30 am
- Monday, March 3rd at 9.30 am
- Thursday, March 13th at 4.00 pm
- Monday, March 17th at 4.00 pm
Interviews with Principal: Peter Brunt
All new families choosing Holy Family School as their school of first preference are required to make an interview time with the Principal of Holy Family School to discuss their child’s potential enrolment at the school.
The interview will be approximately 10 minutes long and your child is required to attend the interview. Once prospective families have attended a tour, an interview can be booked via this ‘Event Registration‘ link on our website. Applications for enrolment will not be processed or considered until after the closing date of Friday, 21 March 2025.
FIRST ROUND OFFERS of places will be made in writing on Friday, 28 March 2025 and acceptances must be returned to the school office by Thursday, 3 April 2025.
If your application for enrolment is successful, a $200.00 non-refundable enrolment deposit will be required to hold your place. Should you withdraw your application following payment this deposit cannot be refunded, however if you continue with your place – it will be rebated from the first year’s fees.
School Contact Details
Principal: Peter Brunt email: principal@hfbellpark.catholic.edu.au
Admin Officers: Megan Payne & Tanya Zitko email: info@hfbellpark.catholic.edu.au
Phone: 03 52 78 4634
Address: 143 – 147 Separation Street Bell Park, Victoria 3215
Postal Address: P.O. Box 5482 North Geelong 3215
An Application for Enrolment can be downloaded from the school or obtained from the school and acceptance is decided under the enrolment policy guidelines established by Melbourne Archdiocese of
Catholic Schools (MACS). Parents are asked to provide Birth, Baptism and Immunisation certificates when lodging an application. A copy of the residential rate notice or lease agreement is also required.
Enrolment Enquiry
Enrolment Form
Enrolment Information
Enrolment Policy
School Fees
Event Registration

Meet the Principal

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